Thursday 11 February 2010

Wie kännot allauw dät enybodie dous äs he plieses.

We have a saying in germany here , it goes;

If you're an politican working in an international area, having a vague idea of what you're saying would be great.

Anyways, Colour!Or , Gonnabe-Colour! Rather.
It's been a while.

I've seen this very well done SH - FanArt of Pyramidhead and in the backround there is this ,well, red square on a window.  

Has it any special meaning? I mean, apart from looking exremely cool. I don't want to plagiate anything or such :c

We're learning about surrealism in school atm and I hate it.  I mean , if I'm to dumb to draw properly or make my drawings  understandable then it's my freaking fault. Geh.

Anyways , we'll have to draw sth surreal , too, and I think I'll go for something like that:

The hidden meaning is that I like these colours. 

But maybe I can talk my teacher(who is, to make a long insult a short insult, a retard )into believing it's a twisted fform of critizing violence in media. Or of violence in real life , which actually always bothered me more. Or of society,that always works.

Seriously, I'm beginning to think that 'art' in it's classical sense is for kids whose parents have too much money and too less sense of reality.


Some OCs, havin' fun.
Or not, in one case.

Never to be finished OL test.


I ffffailed at testing. (head/desk)


Ahhhw, I had to go look for some old data at my brothers pc (which used to be mine and which will very,very soon die, i think) and that's what I found.

(It's from 16/6/07,mind you)

First digital picture,evar!
God,I was so proud back then :'D

Although it leaves some things unanswered.
Like,Why was I using an outline/manga program for colouring? (Okay I didn't know about the existence of photoshop.It's excusable)
But what's this thing she's wearing on her neck?
What's with these clothes(?) in general?
Or this fear for straight,finished lines.
And just When did flat-chested,tattoed angels without pupils and/or sense of fashion become uncool?

So many questions.

Oh, and for the hell of it I redrew it. Might Outline/Colour later.

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